Drone Angle provides creative solutions using drone technology in various sectors of the economy including construction, tourism and real estate.
All our operations are done with safety, as our first priority, quality, professionalism and transparency.
Drones have become an important tool across hundreds of professions because they increase safety in construction sites, provide an alternative perspective from the ground, save on time spent doing inspections, and much more.
Drones have a wide range of applications. However, there is one thing that is always true: not every project is structured in the same manner.
Reach us through our contacts with details of your project to find out if it is viable and you will also be provided with a custom quotation for your project.
Project Progress Report
Stake holders can gain a better insight into the progress that has been made without actually being on-site. They will have access to regular daily or weekly updates.
Health and Safety Inductions
Showing new site operatives & risks in real-time highlights the risks that are relevant to that site and in return reduce the risk of accident or injury on each site.
Construction Site Inspections
Site inspections can be undertaken more regularly and cover larger areas more efficiently. Traditional site inspections on a busy construction site can be dangerous and complicated at times.
Marketing & Promotions
The ability to capture impressive 4K HD video and photos from unique angles provides cinematic and creative views making it great for marketing material.